Weight Loss Treatments
  • This information was developed by GMR Web Team.
  • This information is intended only to provide general guidance. It does not provide definitive medical advice.
  • It is important that you consult your doctor about your specific condition.

Weight Loss Treatment

Obesity (being overweight) is a serious concern that has been daunting to millions globally. Being overweight not only impacts your appearance and personality, but it can also impose serious and life-threatening health risks. It increases your risk of several health issues like type 2 diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol, kidney disease, and heart failure. You may wonder how to shed those extra kilos! Well, you are not alone. Millions of people are trying to figure out a weight loss treatment that suits them best and helps them achieve the desired results. 

Weight Loss treatment is often multifactorial and involves diet, lifestyle changes, and exercise programs. However, when these conservative methods fail, you have the options of weight loss medications and surgical intervention. So buckle up as we help you explore several effective weight loss treatments.  

What Are the Ill Effects of Being Obese?

Obesity can be debilitating since it increases the risk of several health problems. These include:  

  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Osteoarthritis leading to joint and cartilage degeneration
  • Coronary heart disease 
  • Hypertension, increased blood pressure levels due to raised insulin levels 
  • Respiratory problems due to pressure on your lungs 
  • Cancer such as colorectal cancer 
  • Sleep apnea 
  • Stroke due to increased blockages in the blood vessels 

What Are the Dietary Changes for Weight Loss?

Increased calorie intake (more than usage) is one of the prime reasons for obesity. What you eat reflects your personality and appearance. Reducing the intake of processed foods and refined sugars and increasing the consumption of whole grains, fruits, and vegetables can help you lose weight. A Mediterranean diet (whole grains+healthy fats) is considered to support your weight loss treatment.

However, severe diet restrictions can lead to weakness and nutritional deficiencies. Thus, it is important to consult a doctor and dietician to help you suggest a strategy and a suitable weight loss program.  

What is the role of physical activities in losing weight?

In addition to diet changes, regular physical activity can help you reach and maintain a healthy weight and improve mobility.  

Physical activities can be in the form of: 

  • Walking 
  • Jogging 
  • Running 
  • Cycling 
  • Swimming
  • Low-intensity gym workouts  

To maintain weight, it is recommended to get at least 2 to 3 hours of moderate-intensity exercise and 2 to 3 sessions of muscle-strengthening activity per week. However, to lose weight, you require 5 to 6 hours of moderate-intensity exercise per week.  

Can Medications Help You Lose Weight?

If it is challenging to lose weight despite dietary changes and intense physical exercise, your doctor may suggest prescription medications for weight loss. These are FDA-approved drugs that are effective for weight loss.  

These medications tend to work via one or more of the following mechanisms: 

Reduces appetite 

  • These medications, when consumed, make you feel fuller.
  • This way, you will take in fewer calories due to fewer hunger pangs.

Reduces absorption

  • Weight loss medications can reduce the absorption of nutrients such as fats, making you take in fewer calories.

Increases metabolism

  • The medications make you burn more calories by accelerating the speed by which the foods you eat are metabolized.  

Remember to consult your doctor and take these medications under their supervision, along with dietary changes and regular exercise. Since they are ineffective when used alone for long-term weight loss, these prescription medications can typically result in around 5 to 10% weight loss in most cases.  

What Are the Surgical Options for Weight Loss?

Bariatric surgery becomes a last resort when conservative methods and medications fail to provide the desired weight loss results. The surgery works by modifying our digestive system to regulate how many calories we can consume and absorb. It can also reduce the hunger signals that travel from our digestive system to our brain. However, weight loss surgery isn’t an easy quick fix since it requires preparation beforehand and long-term lifestyle changes post-surgery to be successful.  

The types of surgical options for weight loss include: 

Gastric Sleeve or Gastric Band 

  • Also known as gastrectomy, it is a common, safe, and simple procedure. 
  • This removes almost 80% of your stomach, leaving behind a small tubular portion like a sleeve. 
  • It reduces your hunger hormones, stabilizes your metabolism, decreases your appetite, and regulates your blood sugar. 

Gastric Bypass 

  • This surgical procedure, also known as “Roux-en-Y,” will alter the shape of your small intestine to resemble the shape of Y. 
  • The upper portion of your stomach is separated from the lower portion, dividing the intestine. 
  • A new segment is connected to the stomach pouch near the topmost end. 
  • The food will flow from the upper and lower portions, bypassing the rest. 
  • Restricting the small intestine is much more effective than stomach restriction.  

Can Hormonal Treatment Aid in Weight Loss?

Hormones regulate almost all body functions. Estrogen and testosterone help most women reduce weight. Moreover, a hormone imbalance can lead to increased weight gain, high blood pressure, and insulin resistance. 

Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) may show promising results in regulating hormone balance and aiding in fat reduction. However, there are still no concrete research studies to prove the authenticity of HRT in weight loss. 


Obesity is the most prevailing medical issue suffered by millions worldwide. It negatively impacts your appearance and form. But more than aesthetic appearance, obesity increases your risk of several medical conditions like diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol, kidney and lung problems, and heart disease. However, the good news is that you can lose weight with several options, like dietary changes, regular physical activities, hormone therapy, and surgical intervention.  

Consult your doctor about your goals and expectations, who can help determine the best weight loss treatment. The treatments are always combined and must be followed by regular maintenance. The recommended option will depend on how much weight loss and fat reduction you need to improve your quality of life.  


1. What are some common prescription medications for weight loss? 

The most common prescription medications for weight loss include:

  • Contrave 
  • Semaglutide 
  • Phentermine
  • Orlistat
  • Setmelanotide 

2. What foods should you avoid for healthy weight loss?

You are recommended to avoid the following foods for healthy weight loss:

  • Excess sugar 
  • Processed foods
  • Bakery items 
  • Fried foods 
  • Carbonated drinks 

3. What foods help burn fat?

The following foods help burn belly fat:

  • Foods with soluble fiber, like fruits, vegetables, and legumes
  • Foods with proteins like eggs, meat, fish, and diary 
  • Fatty fish like tuna and salmon  
  • Green tea