  • This information was developed by GMR Web Team.
  • This information is intended only to provide general guidance. It does not provide definitive medical advice.
  • It is important that you consult your doctor about your specific condition.


Have you noticed any swelling, lump, or bump on your skin? Is the lump freely movable? Worry not, this could be a simple cyst that is usually a sac filled with fluids. You may confuse this with other skin growths like lipoma, but consult a health professional to clear your doubt. Cysts are common entities that are usually benign (non-cancerous), harmless, and painless. These may appear superficially on the skin surface or present deeper inside your body. Several causes like tumors, injury impact, and infections can lead to the development of cysts. Often, cysts do not cause any symptoms, but pain and discomfort may follow if they compress an underlying tissue, organ, nerve, or blood vessel. Seek timely medical care for an in-depth evaluation of your skin growth to be sure it isn't dangerous. 

Keep reading to know everything about a cyst, from its types, causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and home remedies.

What Are Cysts?

Cysts are sac-like structures typically containing a fluid, semi-solid, or gaseous material, like a blister. These dome-shaped capsules can occur almost anywhere in your body, like the face, hands, neck, back, and arms, and within internal organs like the brain, liver, kidneys, etc. Most cysts are benign (non-cancerous), but a few may contain malignant (cancerous) cells. Cysts are harmless and painless entities unless they get infected or turn cancerous.  

What Are the Different Types of Cysts?

There are several types of cysts based on their location. These include:

Superficial Cysts

Acne Cyst or Cystic Acne 

  • A severe type of acne in which your skin's pores become blocked, leading to infection and inflammation 

Epidermoid Cyst

  • These occur due to blockage of hair follicles and are usually harmless.
  • This cyst is filled with keratin (a protein essential for forming hair, skin, and nails).
  • They typically occur in the face, neck, and torso.

Sebaceous Cyst

  • These sacs occur in your face, neck, and torso and are usually filled with sebum (oil).
  • They cause damage to your sebaceous glands, which are responsible for the formation and secretion of sebum in your body. 

Pilonidal Cyst

  • This common skin condition forms on the cleft at the top of your buttocks.
  • This typically occurs during puberty due to hormonal changes.

Mucous Cyst

  • This fluid-filled lump is formed on your lips or around your mouth when the salivary glands are plugged.

Ingrown Hair Cyst (Folliculitis)

  • This is an inflammation of the hair follicles that occurs due to fungal or bacterial infection.

Pilar Cyst 

  • This usually develops on the scalp skin, resulting from protein buildup in the hair follicles.
  • It is a benign, skin-colored round bump.

Deep Cysts 

These are located deep in your body, usually affecting internal tissues, muscles, ligaments, and organs. These include: 

  • Dermoid cyst
  • Bartholin's cyst
  • Ganglion cyst
  • Breast cyst
  • Ovarian cyst 
  • Baker cyst 
  • Epididymal cysts
  • Perineural cyst
  • Hydatid cysts
  • Kidney cysts
  • Pancreatic cysts
  • Arachnoid cysts 
  • Thyroid cyst 

What Causes a Cyst?

The following are some of the major and common causes of a cyst: 

  • Genetic predisposition (having a family history)
  • Tumors (abnormal multiplication of cells within an area causing lumps, swellings, or bumps)
  • Errors in embryonic developments
  • A defect in the cells  
  • Infections
  • Chronic (long-lasting) inflammatory conditions
  • Blockages of ducts in the body that result in fluid buildup 
  • Parasites 
  • An impact injury that may damage the blood vessels

What Are the Symptoms of a Cyst?

Most often, a cyst may not cause any symptoms except for a noticeable lump. This is especially true in skin cysts, which may cause a fluid-filled sac that may or may not be painful. Other signs and symptoms include:

  • Skin redness and discoloration around the cyst
  • The cyst may be palpable with digital (finger pressure)
  • A tiny blackhead (punctum) plugging the central opening of the cyst
  • The cyst may be tender and warm on touch
  • A whitish, thick, smelly fluid may ooze out of the cyst 

Deeper cysts developing within the internal organs usually have no symptoms. However, if they enlarge in size, compressing any organs, nerves, or blood vessels, then pain or other symptoms related to those organs may develop. 

How Can a Cyst Be Diagnosed?

Your doctor can diagnose superficial cysts easily due to a prominent swelling or lump. A detailed medical and family history will be recorded to evaluate any genetic predisposition or history of previous injuries. A physical examination can help assess whether the cyst is palpable and tender on touch.  

Your doctor may advise imaging tests like ultrasound, MRI, and CT scans for deeper cysts. Furthermore, biopsy tests can help determine the nature of the fluid within the cyst and the presence of any malignant cells.

What is The Treatment for a Cyst?

Treating a cyst usually depends on the lump's type, location, and size. Most often, cysts do not require any treatment if they are benign without any symptoms. However, larger cysts may require treatment mainly for cosmetic purposes or symptoms due to compression of the underlying nerves, blood vessels, or organs.  

Treatment options include: 

  • Corticosteroid injections
  • Incision and drainage of the fluids to shrink the cyst 
  • Surgical removal for deeper cysts affecting the organs
  • Laser therapy targets a light beam of a specific wavelength to shrink the cyst

Home Remedies

Several home remedies may help shrink the cyst, but consult your doctor before trying them. Also, avoid pricking or popping the cyst since this may worsen the symptoms and spread the infection to other parts.  

Home remedies include:

  • Hot compress
  • Tea tree oil
  • Apple cider vinegar 
  • Aloe vera
  • Castor oil
  • Witch hazel 
  • Honey 
  • Turmeric 


Cysts are fluid-filled sacs that can develop anywhere in your body. They are relatively common, and there are many different types based on the cause and location of the swelling. Several reasons, like injury, infections, and tumors, can cause a cyst, with a genetic predisposition increasing your likelihood of developing one. They are usually benign but can become cancerous sometimes. 

If you notice any lump or skin changes, it is best to contact your doctor for an accurate diagnosis and treatment. Doctors may recommend steroid injections, cyst drainage, surgical removal, or laser therapy to get rid of aesthetically unappealing, painful, and infected cysts.