  • This information was developed by GMR Web Team.
  • This information is intended only to provide general guidance. It does not provide definitive medical advice.
  • It is important that you consult your doctor about your specific condition.


A bruise or a wound can make you itch constantly, not realizing that you may irritate your skin more. While for most people, this can resolve within a few minutes, for some, the skin irritation may worsen, causing discolored, red, and inflamed skin. Wondering what it could be? Well, this may look like "Cellulitis”! It is a common inflammatory skin condition caused by a bacterial infection of the skin and the tissues beneath it. Although anyone can develop cellulitis, the risk is higher if you have a skin wound allowing bacteria to enter your body through it or a weakened immune system. Severe, untreated cellulitis often leads to serious consequences and requires prompt medical management. Treatment may include conservative methods, medications, or surgical intervention for more severe cases. 

 To understand the causes, risk factors, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, complications, and prevention for cellulitis, read on!

What is Cellulitis?

Cellulitis is often a painful, inflammatory skin condition caused due to increased bacterial infiltration through cuts and wounds. It most commonly affects the lower part of your body, including your legs, feet, and toes. However, it can occur in other body parts like the face, hands, arms, and fingers. Though not contagious, it can rapidly spread to other body parts. 

It may first appear as a skin discoloration- red or pink for lighter skin tones and dark brown or purple for darker skin tones. If cellulitis is not addressed on time, it can spread to your lymph nodes and bloodstream, resulting in life-threatening complications like septicemia.  

How is Cellulitis Caused?

Staphylococcus and streptococcus are the two main bacterial culprits that are considered to cause cellulitis. Abnormal bacterial infiltration through open wounds, cuts, or even a break in the skin can release harmful toxins and by-products that can trigger infection in your body. Other causes may include injury, insect, or animal bite. 

What Are the Risk Factors Associated with Cellulitis?

Anyone can get cellulitis, but certain risk factors can increase your susceptibility to develop the condition. These include:


  • Any cut, wound, or scrape that can facilitate a favorable environment for bacterial infiltration.


  • If you have a history of previous episodes of cellulitis.

Weak Immune System 

  • Conditions like diabetes, HIV, and leukemia can compromise your immune system.

Certain Skin Conditions

  • Fissuring of toes and heels due to skin conditions like athlete's foot, eczema, and shingles favor the entry of bacteria.


  • Being overweight can increase your risk of skin cracks and scrapes.

Post-surgery Complication

  • After undergoing surgery, you are likely to develop chronic edema (swelling) of your arms and legs, increasing your risk for cellulitis.

Other Factors

  • Pregnancy
  • Alcoholism
  • Chronic kidney or liver disease 
  • Venous diseases like leg ulceration 

What Are the Symptoms of Cellulitis?

Symptoms of cellulitis may vary in intensity depending on the type of bacterial infiltration. These may include:

Mild to Moderate Symptoms

  • Extreme pain and tenderness in the affected area
  • Skin discoloration- pink, red, brown, gray or purple
  • A rapidly growing skin rash
  • Tight, shiny, and swollen skin
  • A feeling of warmth around the affected skin

Severe Symptoms 

  • Abscess with pus discharge
  • High-grade fever 
  • Chills and tremors
  • Body ache 
  • Fatigue and dizziness
  • Muscle aches
  • Lightheadedness
  • Sweating 
  • Fluid-filled blisters on the affected area
  • Skin dimpling (skin having the texture of an orange peel)
  • Numbness or a tingling sensation in the affected part 
  • The infected skin may appear black
  • Enlarged lymph nodes near the affected area 

How Can Doctors Diagnose Cellulitis?

Diagnosis for cellulitis is usually based on the medical history and a physical examination. Your doctor will record your history and conduct a physical exam to evaluate your skin texture, color, and the presence of edema. Furthermore, the following diagnostic tests can help confirm cellulitis:

  • A blood test will confirm if the bacterial infection has spread to your blood. 
  • Skin test and bacterial culture to identify the type of bacteria responsible for the infection.

How is Cellulitis Treated?

Based on the severity of the symptoms, treatment for cellulitis includes: 

Conservative Methods

Home care tips to help manage mild cellulitis, or it could be used in combination with antibiotics to accelerate healing. These include:

Warm Compress

  • Applying a warm compress to the affected area can minimize swelling. 

Cool Pack

  • Place a cold pack on the affected area to soothe irritated and damaged skin. 


  • Elevating the affected part of your body can lower the blood pressure within the area and improve blood flow. 
  • This can also minimize swelling. 


  • Compression stockings or wraps can improve the blood flow and reduce swelling. 
  • But remember to remove them for 10 to 20 minutes twice to thrice daily, or it may cut off circulation.


These include:


  • These drugs help eliminate the bacterial infection.
  • Oral antibiotics may be prescribed for 7 to 10 days.
  • In severe cases, antibiotics can be administered through IV (intravenous) lines for 5 to 7 days.
  • Example- Dicloxicillin, Cephalexin.

Non-steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs)

  • These medicines reduce pain and Inflammation.
  • Example- Ibuprofen, Naproxen.

Topical Medicines

  • Topical creams and lotions can help soothe the skin and reduce symptoms like burning and itching. 
  • Example- Silvadene, Neosporin


Severe cases of cellulitis, especially the ones with abscesses, may require surgical intervention. This may involve incision and drainage.

  • An anesthetic agent will be used to numb the affected area.
  • Your surgeon will make a small cut using a surgical knife to drain the pus.
  • The wound will be covered with a dressing to promote healing.

What Are the Complications of Cellulitis?

Complications of severe, untreated cellulitis can include:

  • Gangrene (severe necrosis)
  • Amputation
  • Damage to internal organs 
  • Septic shock (organ failure with dangerously low blood pressure)
  • Death

How Can You Prevent Cellulitis?

Take these precautionary measures to prevent cellulitis or lower your risk:

  • Address any skin crack or cut right away with an antibiotic cream
  • Keep your skin moist to prevent cracking
  • Wear protective gear and equipment during sports or outdoor adventure trips
  • Inspect your feet daily for signs of infection 

Wrapping Up

Cellulitis is a common bacterial skin condition that mostly affects people with wounds, history of chronic skin conditions, or weakened immune systems. Seek medical help if you notice skin irritation, edema, or discoloration to clear up the infection through antibiotics and heal through conservative treatment. You can effectively prevent cellulitis by taking extra care about your hygiene and reducing your risk of infection.